Thursday, December 9, 2010

ET 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution, by Zoev Jho

ET 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution by Zoev Jho

(Also, here.)

Definitely a trip. But then again, any manual for dealing with life on this planet would have to be. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt the need for such a manual!

Here are some of my favorite quotes (from the e-edition, hence the lack of page numbers):

Getting out of here is not the point. Getting more light into here is. Remember?/

The Second Coming is imminent, and you may as well get ready. This is a particularly good idea because you’re it. You are the Second Coming. Mission Control does not wish to stay on this topic very long because we are aware of the charge that surrounds it due to 2,000 years of organized denial. For this reason, we will give you only one more helpful hint: Become your own Messiah—why wait?

That statement is not only not heretical, it is the entire point. /

Nothing you do or say is an acceptable substitute for becoming who you truly are./

The temptation to remain dysfunctional arises from the fact that it has been such a thorough and arduous journey getting there; somehow, it feels wasteful to just chuck it. Because of this illusion of waste, you may find yourself clinging to false identities or co-dependent relationships that prolong the recovery act. These double-dealing relationships, whether with yourself or others, are based on a dysfunctional complicity that thrives on an unstated request. That request can best be expressed as, “Please don’t disturb my sense of limitation. It may be Auschwitz, but it’s home.”/

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