Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Brothers of Earth, C.J.Cherryh. September 2006. rating: 3

what have I been doing? well I don't remember. I recently read Brothers of Earth; one of the very first works by C. J. Cherryh back in 1976. it is definitely recognizable as C.J. Cherryh's work, and um it is also recognizable as an early work. her plot concepts and worldbuilding skills show right away, but her complex and brilliant character development is not there yet. at least not in the way that I have come to expect from C.J. Cherryh. and her characterization is what I love best about her work, so, while Brothers of Earth was still a good read, I'd give it a 3.

it was jerky and a bit hard to follow and goodness the human character seemed to be outraged or offended at everything, and I didn't know why. all this is, of course, not a problem in her later works. she was good to start with but she's gotten a lot better ;)

and hey, I went straight from reading The Brothers Karamazov to reading Brothers of Earth. hmmm maybe I should take a break and read something about Sisters too! :p

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