Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Arm of the Starfish, by Madeleine L'Engle.

a gifted American sixteen year-old named Adam gets the opportunity to work for a prominent scientist whose lab is on a little island south of Portugal. his innocence (along with his ability) is the reason he has been chosen for such an internship, but it’s also the reason other forces target him as a way to get to the scientist’s secretive work. dangerous and baffling events keep him wondering who is telling him the truth, what is really going on, and what he should do next.

sometimes I found it a little incredible that the adults in charge of him would let him into some of those situations at all, or leave him alone and unattended as often as they did. sure, it is a coming of age story, but he is a sixteen year old boy in their care.

the story is not particularly amazing, and certainly it does not compare very well to the Time Quartet or even And Both Were Young, but the plot is fast-paced and should keep the younger readers surprised and suspenseful until the dramatic conclusion.

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